Amadeus Business Management Platform: Terms of use

Membership rules

All members should feel fully involved in the Business Management Platform, and become an active player of its usage, building and development. The Business Management Platform should become and remain a lively exchange area, which constantly evolves, and where everyone feels comfortable.

THE Business Management Platform (including all products and content published in it) IS FOR AUTHORIZED USE ONLY.

Exit rules

Any member leaving Amadeus will no longer be part of the Business Management Platform.

Terms of use

The content of this site is confidential and for authorized use only. You shall hold and maintain it in strict confidence.

You shall not:

You will not use the contents in any way directly or indirectly detrimental to your company or any company of the Amadeus group.

Amadeus reserves the right to review materials published on the Business Management Platform and to remove any materials in its sole discretion.

Amadeus reserves the right to terminate your access to the Business Management Platform at any time, without notice, for any reason whatsoever.

Claim processing

Any claims on BMP products/system performance delay or outage are accepted for processing ONLY if reported WITHIN 3 days after the issue detection.